Attack Of The Gummi Bear

Categories: Oral Health
Bozemanaffordable family dentist

Here at the Bozeman dental blog, we never like to be the bearers of bad news, but we are devoted to our patients’ oral health. So, today we offer a key warning about a lesser-known danger of sticky candy. Most Belgrade, Big Sky, and Bozeman residents probably know that sugar is not your teeth’s friend. Eating […]

3 Ways to Minimize Candy Intake at Halloween

Categories: Oral Health
Big Sky dental implants

1. Lock yourself in a closet. 2. Sew your mouth shut. 3. Wear a shock collar that’s sensitive to sugar particles. At Bozeman Dentistry we understand how hard it is to avoid sweets altogether at Halloween and other sugar-filled holidays. We encourage both unfettered joy and healthy living for all of our Belgrade and Big Sky patients. […]

An Air-dried Toothbrush Is A Healthy Toothbrush, Big Sky

Categories: Oral Health
An Air-dried Toothbrush Is A Healthy Toothbrush Big Sky

Today in our Bozeman dental blog we will highlight some of the simple things you can do with your toothbrush to keep your mouth as clean and healthy as possible. One of the most important habits Big Sky residents can form is to always allow their toothbrush to completely air dry between uses. The best way to […]